Hep B Immunity Testing
Easier than you ever thought possible!
Our simple voucher system provides you and your staff with an easy at-home process, delivering results within three days: freeing up your time and budget.
- Staff test their HepB immunity in the comfort of their own home
- Results delivered back within three days
- Staff are given their results and a copy to share with you for their employment records.
Enquire about HepB Immunity Testing today
How it works.
Account created
We issue you with a unique voucher for each participant.
Test ordered
They enter the code on our website for their pre-paid test. We then send a test kit to their home.
Results delivered
Their results are delivered to their online dashboard. This also includes a PDF copy they can share with you.
“Working with Plasma, we could provide hepatitis B immunity testing kits posted directly to our volunteer’s homes. Centralising the process saved countless volunteer hours and gave us peace of mind.”